We’ve all gotten to points and situations before where we’ve said or done things before even thinking it though. Its only after do we now ask ourselves (or others), “Was it right? Was I wrong?”
Or probably you took a turn, while driving. Or maybe it was a career turn, a relationship turn, or a business turn, and you asked yourself, “Should I have turned right or left?”
Ok. Life happens. But stop, think. Don’t just act or react. First, get to know your rights. Get to know your choices or options. Get to know your options, the moves available to you, backed by law. Then, you can act. Then you can wisely decide.
Unfortunately, most people do not know their rights, under the law. As a citizen, as an employee, as an employer, as a …whatever! You’ve got rights.
Having a solicitor can be of tremendous benefit, in knowing your rights. Sometimes, it can be the difference between life or death, loss or profit, absolute ruin or total restoration.
For instance, do you know that, as an employee, you have the following rights:
- Safe Workplace Environment
Every employee should expect that their workplace environment is safe and has no health and safety hazards. The employee can bring such hazardous situations to the attention of the authorities as well as the employer—in a non-threatening or retaliatory manner.
- Wage Equality
Employers are not required to pay all employees the same pay. The right regarding wages involves paying equal wages to employees who execute similar job tasks with an equal skillset requirement
- No Discrimination in the Workplace
Employers are not permitted to discriminate against employees regarding hiring, firing, wages or promotions based upon the following factors:
- Gender
- Pregnancy
- Religion
- Race, Ethnicity or National origin
- Age (Labor laws protect individuals aged 40 and older)
- Disability (Labor laws dictate that an employer is responsible to reasonably accommodate an individual with a disability to do his or her job)
- No Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Sexual harassment of any kind is illegal and workers are protected against this in the workplace. Being forced to participate in sexual favors for job security or in order to receive a promotion is considered sexual harassment. Additionally, being subjected to extremely pervasive comments in the workplace which creates a hostile environment is also considered as sexual harassment.
Do you know that as an employer, the following are part of your rights:
- The Right to Contest the Compensability of a Claim
Employees have the right to file claims for compensation, but employers do not have to accept those claims without requiring proof. As an employer, you have the right to contest the compensability of any claim.
- The Right to Demand Hard Work
As the employer, you have the right to demand hard work from those you hire, and your employees have a responsibility to do their jobs to the best of their abilities.If a particular worker is less productive than he or she should be, you have a right to demand more satisfactory performance. You are paying a fair wage, and you deserve quality work for your investment.
- Protection of Your Trade Secrets
Your employees are required to respect the proprietary nature of your trade secrets, and you have the right to demand that the information not be shared or otherwise disclosed.Your trade secrets are your property, and they do not belong to your employees. These legally protected trade secrets may include things like customer lists and list of suppliers, pricing information, strategic planning and financial data. It is important to lay out your policy clearly, so those you hire will understand the rules – and the penalties for unauthorized disclosure of your trade secrets.
- Loyalty for Your Workforce
If you find that your employees are engaging in such unethical behavior, you have the right to take the appropriate action. Those actions can include anything from a stern reprimand to immediate termination, depending on the severity of the behavior in question and your own needs as an employer.
- The Right to Quality Conscientious Work
As an employer, you have the right to demand hard work from your employees, but you also have the right to expect top quality work. You have the right to expect work that is up to the high standards you have set.
Now you know a few of your rights. Why not contact a reliable and trusted solicitor nearby to intimate you with your rights, before that cold day comes.
Of course, we’ll recommend the best: blackbirdsolicitors.